It is our policy that only healthy children have a place in school. Sick children are much more comfortable at home. Proper care at home in the initial stages may well shorten the duration of an illness.
This policy is designed to protect your child. We ask that you keep your child home if you notice the following:
Please contact the Director if your child was exposed to a contagious disease, so that other parents can be alerted. Should your child become ill while at school, you will be notified immediately and asked to arrange for immediate pickup. (Cell numbers are a must.)
If medication is to be given at school the following rules shall apply:
All children should wear clothing that is easy for them to put on and remove. All clothing (jackets, sweaters, etc.) should be labeled. We ask that you send your child in play clothes just in case he or she gets a little messy during the day.
Each child should have an extra change of clothes (appropriate for the season) placed in a labeled zip-lock bag and left in his or her cubbie. Also, if your child still wears pull-ups, please leave several of those too.
Toys, gum and candy should be left at home. Safe toys may be brought to school on share days. (See your handbook for more information regarding share days.)
Birthdays are a very important part of each child’s life and St. Frances of Rome allows for special celebrations at school. The teacher reserves the right to determine the extent of each celebration.
We feel our center is a learning environment for both children and parents alike. We have an open doorpolicy and parents are welcome anytime. We are always in need of parent participation for holiday or birthday parties, special projects and field trips. Before you can help in the classroom, you need to be fingerprinted and paperwork needs to be completed. (See the director for more info.) Also, if you like to help but can’t come in, we could always use help with the preparation of upcoming projects.